At Rayflector UK Limited, we are committed to providing you with high-quality products and ensuring your satisfaction with your purchase. Our refund policy is designed to address specific situations, so please carefully review the following information.

  1. Refunds for Manufacturing Defects

We understand that despite our stringent quality control processes, manufacturing defects can occasionally occur. In such cases, we are more than willing to offer refunds to rectify any issues. Please note the following:

We will only initiate a refund in the event of a verified manufacturing defect.

  1. Sunglasses Displayed or Returned by Your Shop Consumers

It is important to note that we do not provide refunds for sunglasses that have been displayed in your shop or returned by your consumers. Our refund policy primarily applies to instances of manufacturing defects rather than consumer preferences or handling by retail establishments.

  1. Reporting Damage or Faults

If you receive products from us that you believe to be damaged or faulty, we kindly request that you adhere to the following procedure:

  • Step 1: Capture clear and detailed photographs of both the damaged products and their packaging as soon as possible.
  • Step 2: Contact us promptly, providing the aforementioned photographs along with a description of the damage or fault. This will enable us to assess the situation and ascertain the cause of the damage.

    1. Returning Faulty Products

    In cases where we determine that a manufacturing defect is responsible for the damage or fault, we will request that you return the affected product to us. Please be aware that we do not grant refunds or replacements for products that have sustained damage while in your possession, whether due to mishandling, storage, or other factors.

    1. Refund or Replacement

    Upon receipt of the faulty products and subsequent verification of a manufacturing defect, we will take the following actions:

    • If a manufacturing defect is confirmed, we will either replace the product(s) or issue a refund.
    • If the damage or fault is determined to be unrelated to manufacturing, we will not provide a refund or replacement.

    1. Fair and Reasonable Handling of Returns

    At Rayflector UK Limited, we handle returns in a fair and equitable manner, with a focus on individual cases. Our goal is to ensure that any issues you encounter are resolved professionally and to your satisfaction.

    Contact Us

    Should you experience any problems with our products or have inquiries regarding our refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and address any concerns you may have. Thank you for choosing Rayflector UK Limited. We appreciate your trust in our products and services.